DreamSpace Curriculum
Promoting Creativity in the Classroom
Promoting Creativity in the Classroom
Drawing on the awe and wonder of the world around us and the interrelatedness of everything, creative teaching has the power to spark curiousity, ignite imagination and inspire innovation. DreamSpace Curriculum aims to support teachers to foster a culture of creativity and critical thinking in their classrooms. We develop creative teaching resources and offer bespoke creative curriculum support tailored to your needs.
Click on the options below to find out more about how DreamSpace Curriculum can help you promote creativity in the classroom:
Click on the options below to find out more about how DreamSpace Curriculum can help you promote creativity in the classroom:
Custom-Tailored Curriculum Design
Working with schools to embed creativity into their curriculum
CPD and Curriculum Consultation
Supporting school leaders, subject leaders and staff to foster a creative learning ethos
Teach for creativity with lesson plans and teaching slides inspired by books