CPD and Curriculum Consultation
Supporting schools to effectively implement creative approaches to teaching and learning
At DreamSpace Curriculum our focus is on 'un-narrowing' the curriculum. We are passionate about developing teaching and learning practice that gives teachers ownership of their curriculum and encourages them to think creatively about how learning in their classroom builds over time. Creative teaching IS NOT about adding more art, music, dance and drama to the timetable. It IS about ensuring that children have the opportunity to experience, enjoy and develop skills and knowledge from all areas of the curriculum. Strong curriculums value every subject equally and create the space for deep, immersive, creative thinking that is fun for everyone.
Curriculum Review
Working together with SLT, this is a 2 hour session that focuses on the whole curriculum to identify strengths and areas for development.
The review includes time to visually map out your existing whole school curriculum, helping to ensure that school leaders are all on the same page about what learning looks like in every subject across the school.
Following the discussion, you will receive a personalised whole school curriculum overview document, which can be added to your school website and is useful to share with staff and inspection bodies.
Please contact us regarding pricing options.
Subject Leader Mentorship
This is a one hour one-to-one session for subject leaders, providing time and space for them to review the whole school curriculum for their subject.
It helps subject leaders take ownership of their role and understand fully what their subject looks like in every year across the school, including Early Years.
As part of the session, subject leaders will create a year by year overview of their subject, clarifying key learning outcomes and expectations. This overview can be used to help school leaders ensure standards are high and consistent across the school and is a valuable support document for inspections and awards.
Please contact us regarding pricing options.
Creative Curriculum CPD
This session is available as part of an INSET day, twilight training or staff meeting and can be adapted to suit the needs of your school.
Session includes:
Introduction to what defines a strong curriculum and the research-led benefits of creative curriculum planning
Exploring ways to balance fun with academic rigour through thoughtful, strong curriculum mapping
Reflecting on the daily timetable and the importance of ownership of your own classroom curriculum, including how to balance leadership directives and whole school approaches without stifling your own creativity as a teacher
Time to plan and develop a creative scheme of work unique to your school and the needs of your pupils
Please contact us regarding pricing options.