Curriculum Design
Working with you to develop a curriculum that is unique to your setting and your needs
The word curriculum means 'everything that is taught'. From the moment children are born, they begin their learning journey. Learning is ongoing and progressive, constantly building upon what has gone before. Strong curriculum design is about mapping out that learning journey as clearly as possible and empowering teachers with the creative freedom to plan and teach for excellent progress over time.
Whole School Curriculum Mapping
At Dreamspace Curriculum we believe that excellence in teaching and learning begins with a clearly-defined curriculum that constantly builds on national curriculum frameworks without stifling teacher creativity. Creative curriculum design enables limitless scope to develop a learning journey that is unique to your school. Our curriculum mapping service includes:
Bespoke curriculum design that meets the needs of the pupils in your school
Collaboration with SLT to map out a whole school learning journey built upon the ethos and values of the school
Development of detailed long term planning for each year group
Agreed endpoints and criteria for assessment in all foundation subjects
Please contact us for pricing options
Creative Medium Term Planning
The national curriculum is brimming with opportunities to creatively make learning fun and purposeful. It is the role of educators to bring the curriculum to life for children in a way that ignites a love and enthusiasm for learning that they will carry with them for life. Our medium term planning service involves:
Creating space for teachers to think creatively about their termly curriculum, carefully considering the balance between academic rigour and fun
Exploring the difference between cross-curricular learning and creative planning
Developing medium term topics and themes that are inspiring, engaging and motivating for pupils and teachers alike
Creating medium term overviews that clearly inform parents, carers and inspection bodies about the children's learning each term, ensuring whole-school cohesion and clearly defined learning goals
Please contact us for pricing options.
Home School Curriculums
More and more families are choosing home schooling for their children, but knowing where to start can be daunting. We offer a unique consultation service which will help you to plan out your home learning journey in a way that works for you and your child. Our home schooling consultation includes:
Discussion time to clearly identify your aims and vision for home learning
Bespoke long and medium term planning built upon themes that interest, enthuse and engage your child
Custom-tailored schemes of work developed for the needs of your child
Curriculum planning that can be followed by parents, carers or tutors to ensure progression of skills and knowledge over the course of your child's home learning journey
Please contact us for pricing options